Heya! I'm Rachel.

My life mission is to use technology to strengthen communities, help people connect, and foster collaborative efforts to make life better. I am a full-stack JavaScript developer with a passion for user experience design and a dedication to increasing web accessibility for all.

Course List App


skills: JavaScript

A full stack React app built using a custom REST API with authentication and CRUD operation features.

Overseas Voter Survey

UX Research

skills: Survey Design, Data Analysis, Graphic Design

Designed and conducted a survey of Americans who live overseas and continue to vote in US elections.

Sherard Family Reunion


skills: Web Design, Branding, Graphic Design, Marketing

Management of the website, branding, and marketing for an organization hosting large biennial events.

React Photo Gallery


skills: JavaScript

This is a short description of the project that is only a few lines to fit in the block element.

Static Express Site


skills: JavaScript

This is a short description of the project that is only a few lines so that it will fit in the block element.

What I Can Do

I'm a perfectionist and an overachiever. So...yeah, I like to do all the things.

JavaScript Node.js React Express REST API HTML & CSS Survey Design Data Analysis Web Design Branding Graphic Design Video Production Marketing Event Planning

Want to build the future with me?

Or if you just wanna tell me how amazing my work is ;)

Get In Touch